The Biblical Negro Part 2

Yahweh speak, I have visited the United States on several occasions, but you continue to ignore my warnings, even now you will not pay attention. Look at yourselves you boast in self-righteousness. My name has been repeated, but only in a mockery form. I am not laughing nor winking at the things that are taking place in dark places. Yes, the time shall come when all things done in secret will be exposed. Cities will have a new name; Deserted and Desolate, a reminder to the United States they are not the most powerful. My hands will stretch deep into the government, rooting out the corruptions. A rise in racism far greater than what is seen now, and I will expose the code language.

But I say to my people where are you hiding, come out and proclaim my Word. Do you not understand that I will confirm my covenant to those who serve me? There is not a need to fear, I protect my own. Make sure you are clothed in the protective covering provided as your spiritual protection.

However, I have an aught against my people; they are weak in going after the lost sheep. The blood of black and brown youth is spilling into the streets in every city, yet you praise me for your blessings. Are you not also selfish? Today, right now, hear my voice fall on your face in remorse and repentance. You have allowed the spirit of omission to take control. I have sent you in the world to carry out my work. Everyone who professes me is being held responsible for obeying my excellent command. I purchased you for my pleasure, now go. The fields are weeping for laborers.

The United States’ kingdom departs from man. In times of uncertainty, those holding power seek to retain their dominant position by increasing social injustice for their profit. Such people deprive the poor of their rights. Yahweh has noted their behavior, and all wrongdoings will receive judgment. Selah


Many of the so-called Negros, (Judah) was shipped from Negroland, present day Ghana. Google a more accurate Negroland map. When opened it will show a 1747 map of West Africa. Enlarge, the map point to Negroland, it shows Kingdom of Juda (letter h was dropped) and the Slave Coast. They were pack like sardine. Study Psalm 83, and Joel 3:6.

The Biblical Negro Part 1
The Biblical Negro Part 2
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 1
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 2
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 3
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 4

The Dollar Bill vs United States
Deuteronomy 28 Chapter
Yahweh vs. Pope Part 1
Yahweh vs. Pope Part 2