The Fall of the Gentile Nation/The Uprising of Hebrew Israel-Part 1

For whatever reason people use Christianity as a means to answer the question.
Before moving further, let me speak once more about Christianity. A word follower of Yehoshua should be skeptical. When I hear believers using the word, I cringe. The same sentiment applies to the word God; there are sub-gods, spoken later in this article. In addition, the improper use of the name Jesus, the Latin meaning, Earth-Pig, Greek word Iēsous, English, word Jesus, Hebrew word Yeshua.

Christianity has several subcategories with different philosophies. Studying the word shows that Christianity is the umbrella protecting the identity of the beliefs of these various subgroups. 

Example: The Yazidi people in northern Iraq who have escaped to the Sinjar Mountain are called Christians. Immediately, sentiments go out to help them from being slaughter and reverting to Islam. The religion they practice is Zoroastrianism, an ancient Iranian religion. 

Zoroastrianism founder Zoroaster was a Persian (Iran) prophet. He believed he received a vision from God (Yahweh), whom he called Ahura Mazda, the creator of all good things, therefore worthy of worship.

Zoroaster's theology is dualistic. The vision he proclaims from God occurred when taken to heaven. He claims God told him that he had an opponent, Aura Mainyu, the spirit, and advocate of evil. Christians told either to accept him, the excellent soul (Zoroastrianism), or the evil spirit [Aura Mainyu). Nevertheless, his visitation was not in the third heaven. He occupied Instead, the second heaven (principalities, the gods, and goddess, are sub-gods-(Ephesians 6:12).

Every God has a name. However, the followers of Yehoshua struggle to accept his word and our heavenly Father, Yahweh. The appropriate term for believers is a disciple. A name Yehoshua called his followers, never Christians (Matthew 10:1). Disciple found 268 times (a learner, pupil), and Christian 2 times (a follower of Christ). Prayers in the wrong names. Yehoshua gives authority to disciples. Yehoshua took another step to what he will call his disciples. They went from servant (a negative concept) to friend; note the reason (John 15:15).

Greek meanings – servant – Doulos – slave, bondman, a man of humble condition, friend – Philos – an associate, (same as a disciple)

Previous articles spoke candidly about the origin of Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church orchestrated it. Constantine (A.D. 280-337) made Christianity a religion of power. Along with Constantine, the Christian philosophy initiated by Saint Augustine was influential in the development of Western Christianity. He was bishop of Hippo Regius, a city in Algeria, and the Roman Province of Africa. From Christianity comes the word, Christian.

Using the word Christian gives people a license to think they can sin and all be forgiven. The authentic living YAH condemns sins and repeatedly defines; those who commit shall not enter heaven (Revelation 20:14, 15; 21:7, 8). Preachers are teaching under these false sub-gods. The prophecy about Ethiopia and Egypt (Africa) will occur; our people shall be healed (Psalm 68:31).

The unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, sets the stage for the move of YAH towards his chosen people. Before it happens in the spiritual, it has to occur first in the natural (1 Corinthians 15:46). The first man Adam was of the natural, but afterward, the second Adam made spiritual. Regardless of what anyone thinks, our dark men are rising to the forefront (Deuteronomy 4:5-7).


Many of the so-called Negros, (Judah) was shipped from Negroland, present day Ghana. Google a more accurate Negroland map. When opened it will show a 1747 map of West Africa. Enlarge, the map point to Negroland, it shows Kingdom of Juda (letter h was dropped) and the Slave Coast. They were pack like sardine. Study Psalm 83, and Joel 3:6.

The Biblical Negro Part 1
The Biblical Negro Part 2
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 1
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 2
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 3
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 4

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Deuteronomy 28 Chapter
Yahweh vs. Pope Part 1
Yahweh vs. Pope Part 2