Many of the so-called Negros, (Judah) was shipped from Negroland, present day Ghana. Google a more accurate Negroland map. When opened it will show a 1747 map of West Africa. Enlarge, the map point to Negroland, it shows Kingdom of Juda (letter h was dropped) and the Slave Coast. They were pack like sardine. Study Psalm 83, and Joel 3:6.

The Biblical Negro Part 1
The Biblical Negro Part 2
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 1
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 2
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 3
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 4

The Dollar Bill vs United States
Deuteronomy 28 Chapter
Yahweh vs. Pope Part 1
Yahweh vs. Pope Part 2

The Dollar Bill vs United States

Evidence presented shows the biblical connection between Egypt and the United States. The Slaves came from the "Old World," Europe shipped to the "New World," the Americas, and Oceania. The Old World, known as Afro-Eurasia, consists of Africa, Asia, Europe. The United States breaking away from Europe, gaining Independence in 1776 from Great Britain, defined as the New World. Europe occupied the western and northern regions of the earth through colonization, fulfilling biblical prophecy [Genesis 10:1-5]

We can make the case using the "dollar bill. I researched the symbols, and there are many interpretations. The small-dollar reveals the United States' mindset and the Founding Fathers towards the Hebrew/Edenic people. Watch closely and further research amazing revelations.

On the back of the One Dollar Bill are two circles. One circle comprises the Great Seal of Washington, D.C., the headquarters for New Egypt. Look at the left-hand circle; there is a Pyramid. Notice the face lighted. Inside the capstone is a seeing eye, an ancient Egyptian symbol portrayed for divinity. Horus, the god, was glorified as one for protection, royal power, and good health. On the western side of the dollar bill is dark. The West was beginning and needed to form civilization.

The dollar bill has a unique feature. The capstone’s eye is in the form of a triangle, trinity. It is Semiramis, Nimrod, and Tammuz. The eye represents divine providence, which is the belief YAH approves their endeavor. The pyramid symbol is a continuation of Hebrew Israel’s suffering in a strange land, the prophetic fulfillment of Deuteronomy 28:68. Each character within the dollar bill qualifies the deception of Satan that pertains to Yahweh, Yeshua, the Spirit of Truth, and Hebrew Israel [ Revelation 12:9,12; 2 Corinthians 11:14; 2 Corinthians 4:4].

Seal of the United States and Egyptian Falcon Horus and his seeing eye
 "IN GOD WE TRUST" is on this currency. The Latin above the Pyramid, ANNUIT COEPTIS, means, "God has favored our undertaking." 

The Latin below the Pyramid, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, translates, "
A New World Order" has begun" (Government).
AT the base of the Pyramid is the Roman numeral 1776, the forming of the United States. White people believe they have a unique handle on YAH versus the dark-skinned race. The Pyramid has thirteen steps. The Eagle's beak reads "E. PLURIBUS UNUM," meaning "one nation from many people." The United States is a melting pot due to immigrants from other countries. The number 13 encoded in the bundle, thirteen arrows, thirteen stripes on the shield, and thirteen stars that form the Star of David. 

Therefore, surrounded by a ray of light above the Eagle's had observed the right Eagle holding his talons, extending to the Olive Branch. The Olive Branch stands for peace, a demonstration of the United States to the world. The left talons hold the thirteen arrows. The United States sees itself as a country, unapologetic to defend itself if threatened.

And for this cause God (Yahweh) shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie” “That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in righteousness" [2 Thessalonians 2:11-12]. “He feeds on ashes: a deceived heart has turned him aside, that he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand?” [Isaiah 44:20].

