Negro History 1

The Spirit Of Truth [John 16:13; 14:26], supplying revelation and wisdom identifying the people require several volumes of books. Nevertheless, the goal is to open the minds of those called Negros. The time has arrived to know who they are from the pages of the Bible. We have endeavored to open your eyes to a biblical Cover-up. The truth is vital to a race of people YAH called Israel his "Chosen People" [Ephesians 1:18].

Proof black is first: Melanin-comes from the Greek word melanos, black-skin pigmentation. It is the primary substance that determines the skin, hair, and eye color. According to scientific findings, black-skinned people have more melanin in their skin than white people. Melanie plays a crucial role in intelligence. You can never control people military but relatively psychologically. Therefore, change their brain thoughts. We taught the wrong history. I find this somewhat frightening, and it sounds like the so-called Negro Hebrews have something white people want and need. Melanie is a gift given by YAH [Daniel 1:3-4]. Chaldeans were black-skinned people based on location, more so on

Melanin [Genesis 11:28, 31]. The Pineal gland is part of the brain with the pituitary glands.

Melanin explained in its pure form is the biochemical that drives physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life. People of colored need primary teaching on this matter regarding how to nourish melanin that they may develop a positive use of this substance. Over century Europeans controlled over so-called Negro Hebrews due to them not realizing that people of colored are a Melanie Dominate Race. Before controlling anyone, the controller has to reduce the personal identity of the individual. Being under one’s manipulation takes away the victim from seeking what is theirs. Therefore, they have become like their oppressors, which in these cases, Caucasians, who have the least amount of melanin.

Melanie believed to influence the psychological and body function associated with serotonin. Next, the multistage melanogenesis (chemical), a substance producing the Melanin where the oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine is followed by polymerization. Negro Hebrews reject learning about Melanin experiencing Caucasian sabotaging their Melanin being short-sighted. Melanin reduction is associated with adopting a culture outside your own. Having this fact, for centuries, we have used white culture. Thus, we are eliminating the independence use of the dominated chemical Melanie in both the body and the brain. Melanin has the divine ability to recharge itself and the cells due to Light and Energy. At this stage, an ethereal experience develops, the reason people of colored are said to be more spiritual than all ethnicity.

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Ashanti people

Newsweek January 11, 1988, wrote an article entitled “The Search for Adam & Eve.” Scientists presented Eve as” most likely a black-haired black-skinned woman. Their evidence indicated Eve lived in “sub-Saharan Africa,” after tracing her through the international assortment of gens and DNA results.

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Scientists believe she is the woman whom all people descended. Regardless of skeptical desires to continue distort biblical facts about the origin of people. Are we afraid of learning the truth? Scientists believe our ultimate proof is the Book (Bible). Example of Melanin dominance

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Remove the Mask

Abraham Lincoln Quote

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.”
Abraham Lincoln
(1809-1865) 16th US President
Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858
(The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy[…]”