Many of the so-called Negros, (Judah) was shipped from Negroland, present day Ghana. Google a more accurate Negroland map. When opened it will show a 1747 map of West Africa. Enlarge, the map point to Negroland, it shows Kingdom of Juda (letter h was dropped) and the Slave Coast. They were pack like sardine. Study Psalm 83, and Joel 3:6.

The Biblical Negro Part 1
The Biblical Negro Part 2
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 1
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 2
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 3
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 4

The Dollar Bill vs United States
Deuteronomy 28 Chapter
Yahweh vs. Pope Part 1
Yahweh vs. Pope Part 2


"The world gloats over the Pope. I realize this article may offend 1.5 billion zealous Catholics. However, he emerges as the most spiritually influential man on earth. To many, he is "god," and has particular contact with the Most Highest God, Yahweh. People look for him to stand proxy for them before the presence of YAH. I watched the naming of the new Pope and the number of Catholics and non-Catholic who came far around the globe to observe this man.

Yahweh desires humanity to know the truth regarding a figure placed on a throne made equal to Him. Yehoshua never considered he was more significant than his Father (John 14:28). Yahweh shows the History of the Pope's origin. It all comes through the misconception of one Scripture. Before Yehoshua's transfiguration, Peter was to continue leading his ministry on earth. Therefore, Peter became the first Pope.

"Pope a title is Latin denoting papa; Greek-Pappas is a Bishop of Rome and the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church. The Pope is rank as the successor of Saint Peter, the Apostle. A ring is placed on the Pope's finger signifying authority. Peter never wore the title pope. However, the Book (Bible) does not support the title. The European institution managed to designate the privilege to convey the message.
“During early Christianity, the papacy was established basing their legitimacy on the Matthew 16:18. ”And I also say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The Greek name for Peter-Petros-rock or a stone the Roman Catholic Church debated whether Yehoshua (Jesus) was saying that his church is established on Peter, the reason of dominance of the papacy.
Due to Peter’s statement, he does have a special place in church history. He was the chief among the apostles in Jerusalem, the first to preach at Pentecost. He was instrumental in beginning the Samaritan mission, and he suffered persecution for the Lord.

“By extension, he was acting on behalf of YAH to do his will and was given authority to establish rules and regulations in the church [Matthew 16:19]. Binding and losing were technical terms describing the dominance of rabbis in determining what conduct was forbidden and what was permitted. Whatever Peter authorized on earth, heaven had already sanctioned.
Because of misinterpretation by the Catholic Church in appointing a man to rule as the universal Supreme Being, just in case you are unfamiliar with this fact, many European countries, especially Roman Catholics, “ships a Black Virgin Madonna and Jesus. At the same time, you will not see her statue in open view. Catholics believe she has unique healing powers.

“After the death of Kush, his father, Nimrod, married his mother. Nimrod’s kingdom was Babel, Erech, Accad, Calneh in the land of Shinar (Mesopotamian). He was disobedient, rebelling against Yahweh. The Mesopotamian region around Babylon-she was the instigator for forming a false religion.
Ishtar means “Light-bringer.” the Queen of Heaven [Jeremiah 7:18-20; 44:17-19].

Nimrod, an idol to the people, called him god-man, and his wife and mother Semiramis became a powerful Queen of ancient Babylon (Iraq).

These pagan customs honor Baal, who Satan worshipped as the Rising Sun. Some churches go as far on Ishtar’s day (Easter Sunrise) to face the rising sun in the East [Ezekiel 8:16].

Semiramis became known as “Magna Mater.” The “Great Mother,” and she worshipped as Mother Earth. She ranks with Revelation 17:1-18, “The Mother of Harlots.”

“Black women discern the subtly of Satan. Women are being thrust in the limelight to rise above men in the temporal world. Satan is using white women to draw black women to position themselves above the black man. Black women resist the Queen of Heaven called “Jezebel.”

Semiramis took on various names in numerous cultures:
  • Romans called her Astarte might be the same for Ashtoreth [1 King 11:5).
  • The Phoenicians used Asherah [Judge 3:7].
  • Hebrews see her as Ashtoreth [1 Samuel 7:3, 4. 31:10].
  • Assyrians name her Ishtar [Easter).

Other related names for Semiramis: are Isis, Diana, Aphrodite, and Venus. Her flower is the lily. She is the goddess of the “dawn,” the reason for sunrise service before the sun rises. Semiramis’ statue stands on a bridge in France. The French made a colossus of this image, and it now stands in New York Harbor, like Lady Liberty, facing east.

The torch she carries represents the light of Lucifer and is a Masonic symbol representative of the Eternal Flame. The Eternal Flame has deep roots within Freemasonry, and the Olympics flame is symbolic of this light.
