The Biblical Negro Part 1

“Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed. To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, the widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless” (Isaiah 10:1).

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The Fall of the Gentile Nation/The Uprising of the Hebrew Israel Part 3

The white man fears the Negro. They believe we are going to retaliate on them due to slavery. We are forgiven, people. After all, a dark man hung on the tree for the iniquity of the world, and dark men hung on the tree during slavery. The United States worship these men as their god, they strongly quote these ungodly men believe the Bible. Today white evangelicals believed Donald Trump is divinely called by god.. They identify the god is the source, and he is however, not Yeshua , and Yahweh.


Many of the so-called Negros, (Judah) was shipped from Negroland, present day Ghana. Google a more accurate Negroland map. When opened it will show a 1747 map of West Africa. Enlarge, the map point to Negroland, it shows Kingdom of Juda (letter h was dropped) and the Slave Coast. They were pack like sardine. Study Psalm 83, and Joel 3:6.

The Biblical Negro Part 1
The Biblical Negro Part 2
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 1
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 2
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 3
The Fall of the Gentile Nation Part 4

The Dollar Bill vs United States
Deuteronomy 28 Chapter
Yahweh vs. Pope Part 1
Yahweh vs. Pope Part 2

Deuteronomy 28 Part 1

Lest you know your origin, it is conceivable to overlook your destiny. Take, for instance, Adam, the beginning of "earth." What does it convey? The man created with all the rich mineral elements that intensify his natural entity. Therefore, the body, which references matter, has chemicals.

By taking a close look at Adam, we journey into history. Was Adam a dark-skinned man? Perceive what Scripture reveals about Adam's ethnicity. The meaning of Adam's name in Hebrew-adam, the root word 'adam-to show blood [in the face], that is, flush or turn rosy-be [dyed, 




Peter connected with YAH’s prophecy spoken in conjunction about the Hebrew Israelites. They will be set above all nations, looked upon as wise and understanding people at the sight of all people—a promise based on the condition if they adhere to YAH’s stature [Deuteronomy 4:5-10]. 

Even more astonishing is the fact of Peter’s linage. His roots stem from Simeon and his brother Judah [12 Hebrew Tribes-African/Edenic Hebrew-Genesis 35:23]. Leah was the mother of Simeon and the wife of Jacob (Israel). She is the daughter of Laban; his father, Bethuel is the son of Nahor, Abraham’s older brother, which; Nahor and Abraham are Leah’s uncle and Jacob’s first cousin.
The pope’s hierarchy is non-biblical. The people see him as infallible; he has to be right about spiritual or moral matters. The pope decrees Roman Catholic doctrine, and his decisions can be powerfully effective, even influencing governments throughout the world.

Early in Peter’s ministry, he traveled to Rome to continue his spiritual journey. In Rome, he met a martyr’s death at the hand of Emperor Nero, who persecuted Christians. Several black biblical leaders died for the cause.


Is Easter Scriptural

Easter is found only in Acts 12:4 but incorrectly translated; it should be Pascha-denoting the Feast of Passover. The celebration of Easter occurs on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, with rabbits and eggs. Equinox represents the fertility of the land, and people reconnect with mother earth.

Various religious groups commemorate the resurrection of one of their gods. They called the festival "Ishtar," pronounced Easter. Ishtar, the Divine Feminine Goddess, is recognized as the Giver of Light, Opener of the Womb, Lawgiver, and Lady of Victory. She is associated with the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, the Assyrian Goddess Astarte. She is a Divine Healer, Lady of Love and War.

Pagans believed their gods, whom they called "Tammuz," to be the only begotten son of the moon-goddess and the sun god, representing the Trinity."